Personal Finance Archive

A Quick Guide To Better Money Management
Do you find that you struggle to manage your money? Are you living paycheck to paycheck, and simply don’t know where most of your money goes? Maybe Read More...

Is Passive Income the Answer to Your Financial Worries?
Passive income sounds like something too good to be true. Imagine waking up and seeing that you’ve made an entire day’s worth of wages for doing absolutely Read More...

5 Life Events That Require Your Cash
Life is full of surprises, and yet we plan as much as we possibly can around our goals and our wishes. No one leaves high school and Read More...

5 Rules To Help You Protect Your Money
The financial crisis in 2008 shook our trust in banks. For the first time, people started to realize that the banks that they trusted to keep hold Read More...

You’ll Need These Essentials To Keep Your Finances Secure
It can often be difficult to know whether or not you are likely to remain financially secure in the future. If you are keen on doing so, Read More...

5 Ways To Turn Your Clutter Into Cash
Thinking of having a clear-out in your home? Rather than chucking stuff in the skip, why not consider making some money out of your clutter? Here are Read More...

Smart Solutions for Money Woes
When you have money woes, and you’re dealing with debts, it can be completely debilitating. It’s so easy for the stress of it all to get on Read More...

If You’re Not Already Living By a Budget, It’s Time to Get Started
It’s absolutely astounding the number of people who do not live by a budget. We’re told time and time again when we are growing up that a Read More...

Why Is a Personal Budget Important?
I’ve made a career out of offering sound financial advice to others, so as a man who aims to ‘walk the walk,’ I always strive to keep Read More...

Have You Discovered Microsoft Money Plus Sunset Deluxe?
If you are looking for a software choice to use for your personal finances, you may have heard of Microsoft Money. This was up until recently a Read More...

Get Your Personal Finances into Shape by Using a Spreadsheet
When it comes to getting our personal finances into order, there isn’t much in the way of choice regarding software and personal finance packages. These usually tend Read More...