Influencer Spotlight on Jennifer Wakumelo
- Mark Edwards ·
- May 17, 2019
Jennifer Wakumelo is a blogger who began the website Real Food to Heal in 2014. This started as a simple recipe blog but has now grown into a blog that shares her family’s interests as well. Her passion now is building beautiful and functional solutions for entrepreneurs and small businesses online.
Starting the Blog
Jennifer began Real Food to Heal due to having many health problems and trying different options that weren’t working. She then changed her diet and lifestyle habits to get into a better health situation. Her family and friends wanted to know how she turned her life around, so she began to write about it on her blog. She not only shared her tips but her recipes as well, and the blog has now grown into a lifestyle blog. Jennifer loves to write about her family and how they maintain their balance in addition to staying healthy.
Her Favorite Partnership
One of her favorite brand partnerships included a keto supplement back when she was beginning the keto diet. She had the “keto flu” at the time and barely had enough energy for anything until she partnered with this brand and began taking their supplement. After that, it helped give her the energy she needed to stick with the keto diet, and she felt like the brand not only understood her but was also great to work with.
Strangest Brand Request
Jennifer got an email request asking to write about a topic not related to her blog. The topic was a slot game that was for an Android phone, which wasn’t related to her health blog. The brand said it’d be a perfect fit, but she said it wouldn’t fit her brand.
How Busy Families Can Eat Healthily
One of the most common questions she gets is how busy families can cook and eat healthily. She recommends spending time to plan out what you’ll eat. You could use a spreadsheet on the computer to write down what meal you want to make, all the ingredients that go into it, and how long it will take. While this sounds complicated, it makes it much quicker to grocery shop and cook the meal later in the week when you’re rushing home from work.
You’ll also have ingredients you can use for last-minute dinners. For example, if you make chicken marinara with broccoli one night and then spaghetti a few nights later, you’ll already have the marinara sauce so you can make a quick meal without needing to go to the store.
Another tip is to buy frozen vegetables that are in a steamer bag to quickly heat them up and have a healthy side dish. While people have associated frozen vegetables as an unhealthy choice, they are now flash-frozen, so they still retain the nutrients they had when they were fresh. All you need to do is put seasoning on your vegetables.
Jennifer Wakumelo loves to write about her family and her health journey to help others out. No matter how busy she gets, it brings her joy to share her information on these topics.